A Cartoon

I was talking with someone who suggested this cartoon idea. I’m not an artist, but taking a little inspiration from OneFTE, I went ahead and "drew" this.


Cartoon Description

The cartoon shows two people talking together. The conversation goes like this:

Person 1: Amputees are an ugly sight. They should stay at home. Person 2: There go Sarah Bernhart and Admiral Lord Nelson.

Person 1: People in wheelchairs should live in nursing homes. Person 2: There go Stephen Hawking and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Person 1: The blind should live in their own institutions. Person 2: There go Stevie Wonder and Helen Keller.

Person 1: The deaf should not be mixing with us. Person 2: There goes Beethoven. Oh! And Helen Keller again.

Person 1: The mentally ill would be better off in psychiatric hospitals. Person 2: There go Robin Williams, Buzz Aldrin and Winston Churchill

Person 1: Suddenly, I feel very lonely…

Update: A response from OneFTE

I shared this comic with Stuart from OneFTE.com and he came back with one of his own. He gave me permission to post it here.


Two people talking. One is a barista making a coffee for the other.

Person 1: They should send all people with disabilities somewhere so we don’t have to cater for their needs wherever we go. Person 2: When they add ignorance to that list, who’s going to make my coffee?

There is a caption reading: “IGNORANCE. There is no greater disability”